
Friday, January 11, 2013


I had thought about New Year's Resolutions this year and I have two.
I'm already a little overwhelmed.
One, of course, is regular exercise.  I WILL get to that.
The second is to resurrect this wonderful blog.  I only looked at my last post and felt so overwhelmingly sad that I haven't kept up with it for a year.  So much has happened in this year, and I use it like an excuse (and of course it makes sense on one level) but these are the times to be taking note.  Remembering.  Processing.  Unpacking.

So all I can do is look forward.
I'll start small.  I will not expect myself to make up for a whole year, or to tell the story of a year in the next week.

Putting words and images on a piece of paper - or computer memory- are my treasures.  Even one year away, I look back and I am so grateful for the testament of where my head, heart and family was on that day.  It just goes so quickly. Imagine what I will feel 10, 20, 30 years from now.

The nutshell version of the year went something like this:

Noah turned 5.
I learned that my dear Upward Bound - my job and my professional passion - was defunded and I needed to find another job.
We went to Hilton Head, SC
6 Winterhaven Drive, Orono Maine 04473
We bought a house.
I started a new job as and Academic Advisor for first year students at UMaine.
Noah started elementary school.
Eli turned 2.

I am still unpacking.

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