
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Noah + Owen =

a) a whole lot of fun?  
b) chaos? 
c) some conflict? 
d) all of the above

yes, all of the above.  Noah and his friend Owen spent two days together last week in between the end of summer daycare at The Children's Center and the beginning of Montessori.  We took a trip to the farm, of course.  Here, they are helping to feed the cows.

The milk truck arrives......

Then the boys get to feeding the calves,

and doing some dancing in the calf barn

and then we headed back home.  This wagon was our mode of transportation.  Note: when 4 1/2 year old boys say that they would like to go on a hike, it usually does not mean hike there AND back.  I pulled them both (and tractors) all the way home.  

And here are the pirates!  Arrrgh!  One with a foam play sword and the other with the wooden knife from the Melissa & Doug veggies and fruit cutting set.  So much for discouraging the use of weapons....these boys have a way of creating rough and violent play no matter how many stuffed animals you put in the room.  They look pretty fearsome, don't they?

And then all things come to a halt when a equipment hauler brings skid steers to the neighbor's yard.
Noah introduced himself to the man in charge, and got some time to sit in the driver's seat.

Later that day, the boys made brownies to take to the Stillwater Montessori's get-to-know-you picnic.  Both boys will be the "big kids" at Montessori this year!

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