
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Under the Big Top

The circus was in town!  I have always heard the phrase "under the big top" but in Maine, you see, the circus is never under a tent - it's still too darned cold!  I was psyched for Noah to get a more authentic circus experience....and it was especially dramatic because a storm was on the way so it was really really windy.  (More about that later!) 

Elephant rides?  Really?  Again, they don't do this in Maine - probably so the elephants don't freeze their trunks off.  Before we had time to think about it, I got a few tickets and said, "Grammie - here's the tickets - go have an elephant ride with Noah!"  She is such a good sport.  She climbed on up and waved to the camera.  Afterwards, she reports that you can feel all those elephant bones moving beneath you as you ride.  Don't do that every day, huh Grammie??

Noah's first time with cotton candy. What are you going to do?  As a Mom, you know it is a big stick of pure sugar.  To a four-year-old, it is big, pink, fluffy and the most magnificent looking treat you've ever seen.  He loved it.

I love both of these photos.  The one above because you can see the fun and joy in both faces.  The one below because it sort of captures all the cool energy of the circus: the big top starry ceiling, the sphere ready for racing dirt bikes, the front end loader backing out and the ringmaster standing aside while it all comes into place.

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