
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wrap me up like a burrito

Yesterday afternoon, Noah asked if I could "wrap him up like a burrito" and I didn't get where he was coming from until he explained that he wanted to be swaddled with Eli.  We got down on the floor and used the blanket that Gramma Dot (my Aunt Dorothy) made for Noah.  He calls it the Letter Blanket.....

Speaking of blankets.....Noah picked up a photo book last night and exclaimed, "There is broken blankie before it was broken!!"  Yes, indeed.  Check out this beautiful, fluffy blanket (and the cute little Noah)

 And here is broken blankie these days.  You will notice it is pretty darned close to a choking hazard.  Gene is just waiting for an opening to get rid of it once and for all.  It doesn't smell very good, either - sort of like dill pickles.  Noah loves it.
I wonder what Eli will love?  A blankie?  Maybe a teddy bear? 

Last night we were invited to Mark and Lisa's for a yummy dinner of Chicken Bryan (I am not sure if this is the exact recipe that Lisa used, but it must be close)  It's chicken with goat cheese & a yummy sauce with lemon, basil and sundried tomato......) I had my camera but Eli was a little fussy all evening (could it have been because Noah's volume seemed to be stuck on VERY LOUD all night?  Hmmmm) so I didn't get any photos.  I found this pic, though, and it made me smile.  Check out these three guys all comfy in Uncle Mark's bed!  (Noah, true to form is stripping off his socks)  

Happy almost-weekend.  I'm at the office today catching up on my personal life (Quicken, taxes, etc) I hope to post another (Catching Up) entry before the end of the day!  

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