
Monday, November 28, 2011

A holiday, a birthday and Black Bears

Hello All, a quick Thanksgiving/Eli birthday update on this Cyber-Monday.  Got much to do: work, shop, blog, kids, and the list goes on and on.  Suffice it to say I have no idea what we're having for dinner tonight.  
Mark and Lisa stopped by on Eli's actual birthday (November 22) on Tuesday night because they did not want the "real" birthday to go without a litte fanfare.  Lisa had asked me what kind of cake Eli likes and I don't think he's had cake!  However, it seems like something he might want to try again......
"Hmmmmm I DO like cake!"  

Noah found the whole real birthday vs. day the birthday is celebrated very confusing.  We had planned a little party on Saturday the 26th so Noah asked several times if the days between the 22nd and the 26th were ALL Eli's birthday.  I am sure that he is hoping that his birthday could be a week-long event as well.  
In a pretty good mood here....a runny nose, but ready to go!
We had a snowstorm on the day before Thanksgiving - I was planning on taking the day off, but then the snow sort of confirmed that.  The University of Maine was closed, so I could "officially" stay home, too.  Eli hadn't really had a chance to check out snow - he was too little last year - so we bundled him up and he seemed interested in checking things out.  His boots were too small, though, so I'll need to get some better footwear for him.  He wore his little indoor shoes out in the snow and all he could do is slip and slide around.  Not good - especially when you are just learning to walk! 

Hi Noah!  Just shovel around me......

I think I'll lay here and taste some snowflakes!

OK.  I'm done playing in the snow now.  Especially not psyched to smile for the camera, Momma.  
On Thanksgiving, we packed up a few of my holiday favorites (the Buttercup Squash Casserole my Dad always made and Grandma's Cranberry Salad) and added them to some yummy dishes from Montez Catering (like Stuffed Beef Tenderloin with Seafood - Big Gene does not fool around when it comes to food!) and then brought the whole feast to the 1st floor hallway of Togus VA Hospital.  
In this photo, we are enjoying some appetizers (Noah's got some Lobster Bisque there) while Denise runs around with an ever-exploring Eli.  Gene 2 keeps an eye on the action! 

Yes, these are cute little sock monkey cupcakes made with love by Auntie Lisa.  These were for Eli's birthday party at the house on Saturday.  I told someone that I may never bake again.  Really, why?  Once in awhile I might whip up something, but Lisa keeps us pretty busy with wonderful treats.   

Here is the birthday crowd!  Nice looking bunch, aren't they?  

Some pasta for you, Auntie D! 

And Noah headed outside the next day to do what all almost-five year olds like to do after a party: smash ballons in the driveway.  As you can see, it warmed up quite a bit and most of the snow melted away.

On Sunday, Auntie Denise invited us all to sit in box seats at Alfond Arena to watch the UMaine Men's basketball team play Holy Cross.  They won, and it was great fun having our own little space up there.  Now that is the way to do it.  Noah had a good time rooting the Black Bears on - got a new hat and even pretended to BE a Black Bear for a bit.......

After the game, we headed home, put up a few Christmas lights (Noah insisted that we do NOT use white lights - they had to be colorful.)  We've got a colorful display underway - hope to share some pics soon.  It will be pretty cool - but nothing like the Burnham Light Show that we get to see each Christmas Eve!  (The link will take you to the You Tube version! - nothing like seeing 'em live, though) 

We are already talking about Christmas, of course.  Noah has read all of his Christmas stories at least once, and we've watched Rudolf and Frosty.  In addition, Elfie has arrived at the house, so he is watching Noah's choices and behavior and then flies to the North Pole each night to tell Santa what he's observed.  More about the Elf on the Shelf here. 

We sure have much to be thankful for.  Sending love ~

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

One year ago today....

....Eli was born!  Happy Birthday, sweet baby.

At around 4 am on November 22nd, 2010 I woke up and thought that I might need to go to the bathroom.  I stood up and whoooosh (just like the movies) I felt the water run down my legs.  I made it to the bathroom and grabbed a hand towel - nope.  Soaked.  Finally, I grab my cell phone, get down on the floor and stick a bath towel between my legs and call Grant 7 at Eastern Maine Medical Center.  I had just seen Dr. Lebowitz two days ago and was armed and ready with the phone number and my chart in case something happened over the weekend.

When the nurse said hello, I stopped in my tracks.  It wasn't just a hello - it was hello in a thick, probably Texan drawl.  "Oh yes...." I remembered - today was the first day in the nurse's strike at EMMC.  Gene and I had chuckled a little bit about the poor souls that might have a baby on these two days when ALL the nurses in the hospital were on strike.  There was much press about the folks that they flew into Bangor from all over the country to work so that the hospital could continue to run.  And today was the first day of the strike.

What can you do?  My next call was to Auntie Lisa and Uncle Mark - "It's time!" I said, and let them know we would need to drop off a sleepy Noah on the way to the hospital.

Here was the email that I sent the next day:

Eli Russell Schaff arrived on 
Monday, November 22, 2010 at 9:56 am
7 lbs, 7 oz 20 1/2 inches

Three weeks early!
A surprise at 4:45 am when my water broke.....
...a quick drive to Bangor (Noah got off at Auntie Lisa and Uncle Mark's house)
brought us to the day of the nurse's strike at Eastern Maine Medical Center.  
Our nurses were from Tennessee, Texas, New York, Arkansas and Kansas!  
We came home on Thanksgiving Day.  

So much to be thankful for!  


Monday, November 14, 2011

Eli the chicken pox baby

 So this is Eli before chicken pox

 .....and Eli after chicken pox!

Gene is still recovering from pneumonia and having his back go out -- at least he's back at work but then......
(of course there's always something else, right?)
Eli gets chicken pox!  Uggh.  
So of course he can't go to day care so Gene stayed home Tuesday and I stayed home Wednesday-Friday.  

Fortunately he's feeling perfectly fine.  No fever - not even a runny nose.  Doesn't even seem to be itchy.  He's just spotted.  Reeeeeeaaaaallllllly spotted!

He was scheduled to get his Chicken Pox immunization next week at his 1-year Well Child appointment.  Guess we won't need that - Eli is now immune the old-fashioned way. 

Daylight savings time threw both the boys (me) for a loop.  Our regular wake up time is 5:30am........and now it is 4:30!  That is just too early.  I am really hoping that this is a transition time and we will get back to a more civilized hour.  

Rub-a-dub-dub two boys in a tub

Do these boys look like they could be trouble?  I think so.  Noah and his friend Ben climb the big pine tree in the backyard before hockey practice last week.  

And check out Lisa's blog for Noah's Whoopie Pie Sunday adventure yesterday.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Bumps, snow & Halloween

Eli is trying out his new walking/climbing skills all over the house.  He's pretty darned good...but that doesn't come without MANY bumps and bruises.  Poor kid.  He's always got a bruise in some state on his head: the red, fresh bruises, the day old black and blue, and then the 2-3 days out yellowish marks.  
Check out this most impressive bump:  
 It looks horrific - even like one of those fake wounds you can buy in the Spirit Halloween store - but this was a real, honest-to-goodness goose egg that Eli got on the coffee table.
As bad as it looks, he was happily munching Cheerios 5 minutes later.  

And yes, we got some snow at the house on Sunday.  It looks pretty impressive here (Oh, by the way this was taken at 6:00 a.m.  Noah saw the snow and wanted to be in it.  Now.  I was able to at least talk him into waiting until the sun came up) but the snow melted within a day and now we've just got some random chunks of snow in the shady parts of the yard.  A preview of things to come? We can bet on it.

Sunday, Oct 30 2011

And hello Halloween!  Halloween was a 5-day event at our house.  It started Thursday with the Montessori "Trunk or Treat" and then Noah wore his costume to school for a 1/2 day on Friday.  Sunday Noah's friend Nora had a party at her house.  Noah got costumed, and then felt compelled to take photos (I have no idea where he gets that)

Photojournalist skeleton? 
 Here, the children all listen carefully to pinada directions.  We had to leave a little early, but Noah had to stay long enough to whack at the pinada with a stick.  Of course.

We left Nora's and then picked up Gene and Eli for dinner at Auntie Lisa and Uncle Mark's.  The Steelers were playing the Patriots, so we gathered to watch the game and share some lasagna.  Yum.  Of course, Lisa's Maine Kitchen (check out this link to see more of Auntie Lisa's kitchen)  takes a hit with small children in the house - Noah's greasy hands on the leather seats, Eli dropping breadcrumbs on the floor, Eli opening all the cabinet doors......

This is how Eli eats lasagna
 And then Halloween day.  This time, Noah wanted some make-up.  It is sort of cute, but man! - that kid cannot keep his hands away from his face!  I had to touch him up at least 5 times during the evening.  And some extra spice to the night:  Gene throws his back out.  He picked up Noah from school and then could NOT move.  I took this picture right after I helped Gene to the car.  On our way to Auntie Denise's house we dropped of Papa at the ED at St. Joe's.  Ouch.  Double Ouch.  Papa made it home later that night with a trick-or-treat bag of Flexeril and Vicodin.

We stopped by Denise and Ernies and got lots of treats (including a YUM warm dip, chips and a glass of wine for the Momma.) Eli had fun checking out the house now that he is a walker.  Next time we will up the difficulty level and let Bailey B out of the bedroom!
Spooky skeleton with his Auntie Denise

Notice in this photo that Momma got a little glass of Halloween treat! 

And on our way to the next adventure!

A visit to Lori Wingo's house.  We waved at Papa as he continued to wait at St. Joe's  - a quick trick-or-treat at Lori's house and then back to Orono.

Trick or treats and a kiss for the baby! 

Trick or treat at Auntie/Cowgirl Lisa's house

We arrived at Lisa and Mark's house along with the Miller family - Isaac was Harry Potter and Carmen as a Princess.  We check out the new kitchen and get some treats.  
Of course, Noah and Eli will have a slightly altered idea of Halloween after trips to their Auntie's houses!  When they say, "trick or treat!", they get candy, kisses, gifts, appetizers, dinner, hugs, and toys. Lucky, lucky boys.